
Tips for downloading and completing forms

For help filling out forms, check the Land Title Practice Manual and our guide to signing and witnessing. There are also guides to common registry transactions that may assist with the completion of some of our commonly lodged forms.

Use our form finder if you need help determining the correct form to use when someone on title has died.

Some browsers don’t support the full functionality of our PDF forms. For help, refer to our guide to downloading Titles Queensland forms (PDF, 357KB), or download the Word (DOTX) version of the form instead.

For other technical difficulties, contact us (please include the form number and format, e.g. PDF or DOTX).

FormVersionDateNameDownload Form
ERF 1 13/02/2023 Exemption Request Form – eConveyancing Online form Print form Word file Guide to completion (Professional) Guide to completion (Individual)
PNN 1 16/10/2017 Priority notice form Guide for completion
PNE 1 10/02/2021 Extension of priority notice form
PNW 1 16/10/2017 Withdrawal of priority notice form
Form 1 5 26/03/2007 Transfer Checklist (basic) Checklist (to trustee)
Forms 1 & 24 18/09/2017 Transfer with property information Form 24 Guide for completion
NMF 1.5 27/05/2017 National mortgage form Online form Guide for completion
Form 3 4 26/03/2007 Release Checklist
Form 4 5 26/03/2007 Request to record death
Form 5 7 27/04/2018 Transmission application (Grant in Queensland or Queensland Recognised Grant)
Form 5A 8 27/04/2018 Transmission application (No Grant in Queensland or no Queensland Recognised Grant)
Form 6 8 09/09/2021 Transmission application for devisee/legatee
Forms 6 & 24A 09/09/2021 Transmission application for devisee/legatee with Form 24A
Form 7 6 26/03/2007 Lease/sub-lease Checklist
Forms 7 & 20 26/03/2007 Lease/sub-lease with Form 20 schedule
Form 8 4 26/03/2007 Surrender of freehold lease or sub-lease
Form 9 4 26/03/2007 Easement Checklist (basic) Checklist (in gross)
Form 10 4 26/03/2007 Surrender of easement
Form 11 4 09/09/2021 Caveat
Form 12 4 26/03/2007 Request to register writ/warrant of execution
Form 13 7 01/07/2020 Amendment
Forms 13 & 20 01/07/2020 Amendment with Form 20 schedule
Form 14 4 26/03/2007 General request
Forms 14 & CMS 30/11/2020 General request with community management statement Checklist (first CMS) Checklist (new CMS) Form 18C Planning Body CMS Notation Form 18C Planning Body CMS Notation
Form 15 4 26/03/2007 Request to amalgamate
Form 16 4 26/03/2007 Request to register power of attorney/revocation of power of attorney Checklist (Form 1) Checklist (Form 2 or 3)
Form 18 5 26/03/2007 General consent
Form 18A 1 24/04/2020 Registered Owners/Lessees Consent to Survey Plan
Form 18B 1 09/09/2021 Planning Body Approval of Survey Plan
Form 18C 1 09/09/2021 Planning Body Community Management Statement Notation
Form 20 2 26/03/2007 Schedule/enlarged panel/additional page (annexure)
Form 20 2 20/12/2023 Declaration (annexure) – electronic version (preferred)
Form 20 2 20/12/2023 Declaration (annexure) – completion by hand
Form 20 2 26/03/2007 Enlarged panel (annexure)
Form 20 2 26/03/2007 Schedule (annexure)
Form 20 2 21/03/2020 Schedule (annexure, alteration/minor correction)
Form 20 2 28/05/2018 Trust Details Form
Form 20 2 01/10/2019 Identity/witnessing certification (completion by hand)
Form 20 2 01/10/2019 Identity/witnessing certification (electronic version)
Form 20 2 31/10/2022 Declaration by Beneficiary/Transferee
Annex 12.2 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade– Australian Embassy/High Commission/Consulate Identity and Witnessing Certification
Form 21 4 16/12/2015 Plan of Survey (Main Plan) – Must be lodged in international A3 Form 21Z Plan cover sheet Form 21Z Plan cover sheet
Form 21A 1 29/08/2006 Plan of Survey (Additional Sheet) – Must be lodged in international A3
Form 21B 2 24/04/2020 Plan of Survey (Administration Sheet) – Must be lodged in international A3
Form 21Z 2 30/11/2020 Plan cover sheet Form 21Z Plan cover sheet Form 21Z Plan cover sheet
Form 24 8 18/09/2017 Property information (transfer) (electronic version) Guide for completion
Form 24 8 18/09/2017 Property information (transfer) (completion by hand) Guide for completion
Form 24A 3 20/04/2016 Property information (transmission application) (electronic version)
Form 24A 3 21/03/2016 Property information (transmission application) (completion by hand)
Form 25 5 01/07/2020 Foreign ownership information
Form 29 3 26/03/2007 Profit à prendre
Form 30 3 26/03/2007 Mortgage priority
Form 31 3 26/03/2007 Covenant
Form 32 3 26/03/2007 Building management statement
Form 33 3 26/03/2007 Release of covenant/profit à prendre
Form 34 3 26/03/2007 Extinguishment of building management statement
Form 36 1 17/12/2012 Carbon abatement interest
Form 37 1 17/12/2012 Surrender of carbon abatement interest
Form 39 1 31/05/2013 High-density development easement
Form 40 1 31/05/2013 Surrender of high-density development easement
Form 41 1 09/07/2014 Indigenous cultural interest
Form 42 1 09/07/2014 Surrender of Indigenous cultural interest
CMS 4 30/11/2020 Community management statement Form 18C Planning Body CMS Notation Form 18C Planning Body CMS Notation